Thursday, August 6, 2009

A meaningless life

Hey there.. I'm here again to update my.... Hmmm,should I say "boring" page or anything related with the word "boring"..

Yeah,regarding the title of my post.. I've got something to share with but depends,you wanna read it or not.. Hehe.. Ok lets go straight to the point..

"I feel that I'm a diffrent from the others where I can't say that I'm not normal but I feel that I'm not normal.. Hee.. I can't really understand myself.. Let me explain sort of things that makes me feel weird:

1.Well,I prefer to be lonely but~ when I'm in the situation,I can't stand it.. Do u get what I mean? Well,what I mean is.. I'm a quiet type of person and seldom or don't have something to share with anybody;because of antah ahh.. Aku pun nda tau.. Then I decided to search for some place that is isolated.. But~ when I'm alone,mcm kna asingkan dri urang ada jua rasany.. Mcm nda urg mau bekwn sma aku.. Ntah ah.. Aku pun nda paham dri ku ane..

2.I do have wishlist which I always believe that I can achieve those wishes but whenever there's a something that hinder me to achieve the wishes I'm easily giving up.. Ironically,I do nothing to keep me in track again..

3.I'm used to smile eventhough that I'm sad or stress out.. Because I don't want my friends,my cousins n whoever that I'm close with to know that I'm sad n stress and worry bout me.. The problem is that keeping these feelings can make me down.. Should I continue to do the same thing?"

Ok mates,it's quite a long post which I've never did before.. But there's more to share regarding this post,nnt2 th ku ceta lg ah.. I'm glad that I can share with all of you in my page.. Because I'm pretty sad n depressed that I can't share these things through my own mouth,ganjil rasa ku.. Sayangny anugerah tuhan ane nda kna guna sebaikny.. =')

P.S: sory f there are somethng that u didn't understand.. Maklumlah english is not my mother language.. Hehe.. And~ do leave some cmmnts in the cbox,aight? *sniff2